Entries are still open for the MCI 90th anniversary meeting and will stay open right up to and on the day. The earlier you get your entry in though the better. There are 4 classes for BEARS bikes all with trophies up for grabs. BEARS F1, BEARS 675, BEARS Superstock and BEARS lightweight. There has been a bit of confusion with the classes in the supplementary regulations but this will soon be corrected. The BEARS classes at this meeting are as follows.
BEARS F1 - Purpose built race bikes and technically advanced production sport bikes. 661cc - Open capacity, fuel, and tyres. 675cc machines are excluded from F1.
BEARS 675 - 601cc - 675cc 4 stroke, 3-cylinder machines.
BEARS Superstock - Production based bikes. Original engine chassis & suspension layout. Modifications are permitted providing original concept and design are retained. Pump fuel only. Open Tyres. 401 - 750cc Four stroke multi max. 2 valves per cylinder. Single cylinder machines may have 4 valves per cylinder.
BEARS Lightweight - No GP bikes. • Four Stroke, 0 – 400cc singles and air-cooled multi’s.
Two Stroke, 0 – 350cc air cooled singles, 0 – 250cc air cooled multi’s and water cooled singles, 0 - 125cc water cooled multi’s.
There will be plenty of other racing to keep you entertained including New Zealand GP titles.
This will be an awesome meeting to be a part of so check it out here and get your entry in. https://mci.net.nz/events/mci-90th-anniversary/